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:: year 13, Issue 49 (2021) ::
fa 2021, 13(49): 31-56 Back to browse issues page
Non-financial measures reporting in Iran
Zohreh Mirmohammadi , , Abdolreza Talaneh * 1, Seyedeh Atefeh Hosseini
Abstract:   (2538 Views)
Entering the field of modern knowledge-based economy and consequently increasing the need of users for greater transparency of financial statements, as well as the growing difference between book value and stock value of companies and the serious challenge of current reporting usefulness, identifying and reporting non-financial metrics to justify current financial reporting shortcomings. Upgrading it is more important for users than ever before. This  research  is  about  presenting  a  suitable  model  for Non-financial measures reporting  in  Iran. The main  method of the  research is semi-structured interviews  with 21 experts (faculty members of universities in the field of accounting, students and graduates of the doctoral program in accounting) using snowball sampling method, a model for reporting non-financial metrics in 1399 has been proposed. A questionnaire was also sent to 120 other experts from the statistical population of the research to evaluate the acceptability of the obtained qualitative model, to which 84 people responded.  In  order  to  find  the  model, thematic analysis  has  been  used. The  acceptability of  the  model  has  been  tested  using  a  questionnaire.  The  reliability  and  validity  of  the  questionnaire both have been vindicated.The  results  of  the questionnaire  are  confirming  of all the main aspects of  the  presented  model. In this model, non-financial measures reporting as intra-organizationa and extra-organizational, qualitative and quantitatively is appropriate. It is noteworthy that the presentation of non-Financial Statements as a supplement to the management interpretative report has been approved as a suitable place for non-financial measures reporting. Consequences of non-financial measures reporting: decrease information asymmetry, improve user decisions and accountability, have been approved by the respondents of the questionnaire.
Keywords: Non-financial measures reporting in Iran: Non-financial measure, semi-structured interview, thematic analysis
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Mirmohammadi Z, Talaneh , A, Hosseini S A. Non-financial measures reporting in Iran. fa 2021; 13 (49) :31-56
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-2334-en.html

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year 13, Issue 49 (2021) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه حسابداری مالی Quarterly Financial Accounting
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