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:: year 14, Issue 53 (2022) ::
fa 2022, 14(53): 83-99 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Impact of implementing Internal Controls Guidelines and Audit Firms Ranking on the Transparency of Financial Reporting
Esmaeil Mazaheri * 1, Amir Hossein Montazer Hojat2 , Milad Azizi Kheirabadi1
1- Department 0f Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
2- Department 0f Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
Abstract:   (2960 Views)

 Transparency of financial reporting is a factor that influences on the viewpoint of investors about a company. According to the previous sentence, many researchers have done some investigations in order to find solutions for increasing and improving the transparency of the financial reporting transparency. In order to increase transparency, Stock Exchange Organization of Iran has legislated some instructions for the internal control environments and the ranking of auditing firms. In order to evaluate the transparency, four criteria including institutional owners, capability of forecasting the earning, debt ratio and the earning manipulation have been used in this research. The purpose of this study is evaluating the effects of the instructions that mentioned above on the transparency of the financial reporting of the companies which are listed in Tehran Stock Exchange.In order to achieve the research objectives, 159 companies which are listed in Tehran Stock Exchange in the period of 2008 to 2022 are chosen. Also, the linear regression pattern and the panel data method with fixed effects are used in this research in order to validate the hypotheses of the research.The findings showed that the process of executing the instructions of the internal control environments and the ranking of auditing firms, which has been legislated by Stock Exchange Organization of Iran in order to develop a transparent market and helping the investors, increases the transparency of financial reporting.The findings in this research shows that the obligation of companies to execute the instructions of the internal control environment and preparing its checklist and executing the instructions of the ranking of auditing firms for using the auditing services of trusted auditors which is obliged by Stock Exchange Organization of Iran, has increased the transparency of financial reporting.
Article number: 5
Keywords: Internal Controls Guideline, Audit Firms Ranking Guideline, Transparency of Financial Reporting
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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mazaheri E, Montazer Hojat A H, Azizi Kheirabadi M. Investigating the Impact of implementing Internal Controls Guidelines and Audit Firms Ranking on the Transparency of Financial Reporting. fa 2022; 14 (53) : 5
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-2585-en.html

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