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Showing 9 results for Board

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year 6, Issue 23 (12-2014)

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and independence of the board of directors on agency. The greater the number of board members as well as its independence as a regulatory mechanism to reduce agency costs considered. Also, the ratio of operating costs to sales and asset turnover as a measure of agency costs is used. A sample of 110 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange for a period of 2005 to 2012 are studied. In this study panel data regression analysis is used. The results suggest that the increase in board members, managers will enhance monitoring activities thus, the ratio of operating costs to sales and asset turnover (efficiency) are increased.
Esfandiar Malekian, Hamid Reza Shayestehmand,
year 7, Issue 28 (3-2016)

This study examines the effect of managerial mechanisms of corporate governance (board and CEO characteristics) on risk taking of Iranian firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. Risk taking proxy is idiosyncratic risk (unsystematic risk). Board and CEO characteristic proxies are board independence, board size, CEO duality, CEO tenure and CEO dominance. We used standard deviation of the residual return explained by the Fama-French (1993) three - factor model as a surrogate for idiosyncratic risk. Also we used Leverage, ROA and AGE as control variables. Using a collected sample of 127 listed companies of Tehran Stock Exchange during 2008 - 2013 and using panel data regression, our empirical evidences show that board independence, board size and CEO dominance are associated with idiosyncratic risk, whereas other variables have no influence on idiosyncratic risk.

Dr Mohammad Namazi, Mehdi Ebrahimimai-Mand,
year 8, Issue 30 (9-2016)

Information on corporate risks plays an essential role in the decision-making process and in the assessment of different corporates. This study examines the effect of corporate governance mechanism on risks disclosure in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). For this purpose, data from 350 firm-year over the period of 2009 - 2013 were collected by archival method. Risk disclosure data was collected by “Content Analysis” of annual reports of companies. Collected data were examined by implementing the liner regression model. The results showed that institutional investors posit a positive significant effect on risk disclosure. In addition, equity owned by the five major shareholders, duality role of the CEO and board independence have a negative significant effect on corporate risk disclosure; Findings also showed that the firm size and leverages reveals a significant positive effect on risk disclosure. However, no significant relationship was found between the percentage of equity holdings equal to, or above 5%, equity owned by the major shareholder and dividend payout ratio and risk disclosure.

Sayed Ali Vaez, Amir Hosein Montazer Hojat, Rahim Bonabi Ghadim,
year 9, Issue 34 (9-2017)

Bonus programs are designed to reduce the agency problems caused by the separation of ownership from management. Hence, one of the important indicators of Bonus evaluation is the reported earnings accuracy and the stickiness of earning with Bonus, Which  in this study for the earnings accuracy from earning management through accrual and manipulation activities in the form of increased profits, conditional conservatism, Expense matching and cash flow forecast precision, Has been used as an alternative variable. To test the assumptions, data related to the 121companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 2009 to 2016 were used and the above mentioned data have been analyzed using multivariate regression and Panel data analysis method. The results show that bonus are Stickiness to the reported earnings. Increasing Abnormal accruals and conditional conservatism unlike the expected results and expense matching and cash flow forecast precision according In line with expectation of research, has a positive meaningful impact on bonus and manipulation activities in the form of increased profits according to the expectation of research, has a negative meaningful effect on Board of Directors bonus.
Yahya Kamyabi, Ahmad Khodamipour, Esmaeil Amiri,
year 10, Issue 37 (6-2018)

The rising cost of trading disrupts investors' strategies and reduces return on investment. Planning on this issue through strong mechanisms of corporate governance can reduce trading costs. To this end, the present paper examined the effect of some mechanisms of corporate governance on the stock trading cost. The population consisted of 97 firms enlisted on Tehran stock Exchange during 2009-2016. The hypotheses were analyzed using multivariate regression model. The results showed that major firm owners exacerbate information asymmetry among minority shareholders and uninformed investors through access to confidential and internal information, and thus increase the stock trading cost. Moreover, personal incentives of directors such as ownership requires investors to understand, process and interpret information, and to impose the stock trading cost on investors. Other results showed that the quality of information improves and the stock trading cost reduces because of the role of independent members of the board of directors in monitoring activities of directors.

Mahdi Moradi, Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Vlashani, Mohsen Moeinizadeh,
year 10, Issue 38 (10-2018)

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting on reduction of the distance between non-audited and audited financial statements. so, the amount of inconsistency between the profit and loss items in non-audited and audited financial statements were used to find out its relevance to some of the characteristics of the company and independent auditors. We use descriptive - study based on the information on between 2011 and 2016. The results indicate that there is a significant difference in operating Income and net income between non-audited and audited financial statements, while the difference between the gross income were not observed. Also, some variables like size, the independence of the board of directors, the ratio of liabilities to assets (the characteristics of the company) and size and the industry specialty (the characteristics of the auditor) has a significant relationship with the percentage of mismatching of operating profit. Meanwhile, there was a significant relationship between the size of the company, the board of directors’ independence, the percentage of institutional investors, the ratio of liabilities to assets and also auditor's industry specialty with the percentage of net profit mismatch.
Seyyed Ali Vaez, Ebrahim Anvari, Ali Roudbar Shojaei, Zaynab Karimi,
year 10, Issue 39 (1-2019)

The corporate social responsibility relates to the relationship between companies and society, and specifically this concept examines the impact of corporate activities on individuals and society. Apart from the concept of social responsibility, many also question the motivations of companies in their social responsibility programs and activities. Others believe that corporate incentives for social responsibility activities may be political, and in this way they will have to lobby with some local and regional authorities to gain concessions in pursuit of economic goals. In this research, for the first time, a new method of assessing the economic, moral and legal dimensions of social responsibility has been used. For the purpose of quantifying each responsibility (legal, economic,­and­ ethical dimension).In order to achieve the research objectives, 166 companies were selected during the period of 1395-1389 using systematic knockout method and the research hypotheses were tested using linear regression. In this research, for the first time, a new method of assessing the economic, moral and legal dimensions of social responsibility has been used. For the purpose of quantifying each responsibility (legal, economic, and ethical dimension),several variables are considered and a combination of index Geo et al for combination of variables.The results of the research indicate that there is no relationship between ownership concentration with economic and ethical dimensions and as well as the relation between the independence of board members with legal and economic dimensions of social responsibility. while the results show a significant positive relationship between the independence of the members of the board With the ethical dimension and ownership concentration with the legal dimension of social responsibility.                                       
Mr Mohammad Javad Zare Bahnamiri, Zahra Heidary Surshjani, Miss Zahra Joudaki Chegeni,
year 11, Issue 44 (2-2020)

The value of earnings reporting depends on the information it provides to the capital market. In the meantime, managers with the power and control of the situation interfere not only in quantity but also in the quality of reporting, so they declare profit in a more positive tone. However, supervisory management leads to protecting shareholder interests and reducing agency problems, limiting these managers' willingness to use an exaggerated tone in their earnings announcement. But in the absence of sufficient theoretical and empirical evidence in this area, the present study examines the relationship between the CEO power (CEO tenure, CEO duality & Manager's ability) and earnings announcement tone with emphasis on the role of board oversight (board meeting & Percentage of Non-Board Members). For this purpose, a sample of 109 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2013-2017 was tested. The results of the research hypothesis test by multiple regression show that earnings announcement tone is significantly positively associated with CEO tenure and Manager's ability. In addition, Percentage of Non-Board Members of directors weaker the relationship between management ability & earnings announcement tone, but board meetings have no significant effect on the relationship. In addition, board supervision did not have a significant effect on the relationship between CEO tenure and earnings tone. The non-Board Members have a significant effect on the relationship between CEO's duality and earnings tone, but the number of board meetings has no effect on this relationship. This research helps the board to increase financial flexibility and attract investors' attention to the power of executive management.
Dr Reza Taghizadeh, Dr Amin Rostami, Dr Mohammad Abdzadeh Kanafi, Mrs Elaheh Karimi Zarchi,
year 12, Issue 47 (4-2020)

This study analyzes the board relations network of companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange with emphasis on financial performance from 2014 to 2020. This study uses two types of network analysis and correlation for analyzing based on the type of data collected. The research findings show that in the communication network of companies, some of them have a better position and therefore they have more access and effectiveness. Better position can lead to easier and faster access to information and resources. Also, the results of testing the hypothesis show that the more connections (degree) a company has, due to higher dispersion and lack of concentration, the financial performance is worse. The research results also show that the more access and influence (Betweenness and Closeness) a company has, the better financial performance has. As a result, it can be said that the position in the communication network affects financial performance.

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