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:: year 10, Issue 39 (2019) ::
fa 2019, 10(39): 111-140 Back to browse issues page
The impact of independence of board members and ownership concentration on the legal, economic and moral dimensions of social responsibility
Seyyed Ali Vaez *1 , Ebrahim Anvari , Ali Roudbar Shojaei , Zaynab Karimi
Abstract:   (2851 Views)
The corporate social responsibility relates to the relationship between companies and society, and specifically this concept examines the impact of corporate activities on individuals and society. Apart from the concept of social responsibility, many also question the motivations of companies in their social responsibility programs and activities. Others believe that corporate incentives for social responsibility activities may be political, and in this way they will have to lobby with some local and regional authorities to gain concessions in pursuit of economic goals. In this research, for the first time, a new method of assessing the economic, moral and legal dimensions of social responsibility has been used. For the purpose of quantifying each responsibility (legal, economic,­and­ ethical dimension).In order to achieve the research objectives, 166 companies were selected during the period of 1395-1389 using systematic knockout method and the research hypotheses were tested using linear regression. In this research, for the first time, a new method of assessing the economic, moral and legal dimensions of social responsibility has been used. For the purpose of quantifying each responsibility (legal, economic, and ethical dimension),several variables are considered and a combination of index Geo et al for combination of variables.The results of the research indicate that there is no relationship between ownership concentration with economic and ethical dimensions and as well as the relation between the independence of board members with legal and economic dimensions of social responsibility. while the results show a significant positive relationship between the independence of the members of the board With the ethical dimension and ownership concentration with the legal dimension of social responsibility.                                       
Keywords: legal accountability dimensions, independence of board members, ownership concentration, dimensions of economic accountability and moral accountability dimensions
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Vaez S A, Anvari E, Roudbar Shojaei A, Karimi Z. The impact of independence of board members and ownership concentration on the legal, economic and moral dimensions of social responsibility . fa 2019; 10 (39) :111-140
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-1382-en.html

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