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:: year 11, Issue 44 (2020) ::
fa 2020, 11(44): 37-62 Back to browse issues page
The Expansion of Capital Asset Pricing Factor Models through Pricing Value ، Momentum and stock quality at Tehran stock exchange
Gholamreza Soleimanian1 , Daryush Foroghi *1 , Hadi Amiri1
1- Isfahan University
Abstract:   (4345 Views)
Considering the inverse relationship between the value and momentum factors and the lack of simultaneous use of them in capital asset pricing models as well as non-use of stock quality as representative of profitability ans investment factors such as CAPM and Fama and French's three-factor models, the basis of this study is to provide a new functional model has been replacing pricing models of investing in stocks based on value, momentum and stock quality with market risk. For this purpose, by imposing restrictions during the period of 1387-1395, 120 companies were selected for the sample and the necessary tests were carried out. The results of the test of models and assumptions indicate the existence of convergence between the value , momentum and stock quality factors with the excess return on stocks in portfolios based on value / momentum and value / size characteristics, and these three factors lead to the risk premium in the investment Characteristic-balanced Portfolios based on Value and momentum. Also, the four-factor model of value, momentum and stock quality with market risk, has more explanatory power among competing models, and has the best performance compared to the CAPM model and the Fama and French three-factor model.
Keywords: Momentum, Value, Stock Quality, capital asset pricing Factor model
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Soleimanian G, Foroghi D, Amiri H. The Expansion of Capital Asset Pricing Factor Models through Pricing Value ، Momentum and stock quality at Tehran stock exchange. fa 2020; 11 (44) :37-62
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-1935-en.html

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