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:: year 13, Issue 49 (2021) ::
fa 2021, 13(49): 1-30 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of Political Connections on Relationships between Related Party Transactions and Restatement Financial Statements
Mohsen Salehinia * 1, Ali Tamoradi1 , Ebrahim Sepehri2
1- Islamic Azad University, Persian Gulf international Branch, Khoramshahr, Iran
2- Payam Noor university of Shushtar, Shushtar, Iran.
Abstract:   (3150 Views)
Related  party  transactions maybe opportunistically  used  by managers  for personal  gain. Ther efore, companies with the Related  party  transactions  with the manipulation  of  financial  statements  using  specific  accounting techniques, which  increases  the  likelihood  of  financial  statements  being  reproduced. On the other hand, one of  the most important issues affecting corporate reporting policies is political communication. Therefore, based on these arguments, the present study aimed to investigate the impact of political communication  on  the  relationship with  related  parties and the  Restatement of  Financial Statements. For this purpose, a sample of 145 companies listed  in Tehran Stock Exchange during 2011-2017 was selected and their information was analyzed using Logit Pattern Regression model(Logistic Regression). The results of the testing of research hypotheses show that Related party transactions have a significant positive effect on the Restatement  of  Financial Statements. Political communication (measured by government institutional ownership) also reduces  the  positive  relationship  between  Related  party  transactions  and  the Restatement  of  Financial Statements, and  political  communication (measured by state-owned  major  shareholder) also increases  There is a positive relationship between Related party transactions and Restatement of Financial Statements.
Keywords: Political Connections, Restatement Financial Statements, Related Party Transactions.
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Salehinia M, Tamoradi A, Sepehri E. The Effect of Political Connections on Relationships between Related Party Transactions and Restatement Financial Statements. fa 2021; 13 (49) :1-30
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