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:: year 16, Issue 61 (2024) ::
fa 2024, 16(61): 84-60 Back to browse issues page
Investigating Managers' Motivations in Changing Forward-Looking Information Disclosure Using Static and Dynamic Models
Akram Taftiyan * 1, Fatemeh Mansuri Mohammad Abadi1 , Mohammad Hassanzadeh Nafouti1
1- Department of Accounting, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Abstract:   (197 Views)
 Managers disclose prospective information with various motivations, such as showing the company's performance, reducing political costs, providing the auditor's opinion, and being influenced by the legal environment. The current research was carried out with the aim of investigating managers' motivations in changing the disclosure of forward-looking information. In order to test the hypotheses of the research, 131 companies were selected as a sample between 2013 and 2023 using the systematic elimination method and analyzed using the static and dynamic panel data regression method. To evaluate managers' motivations, the company's performance change criteria and company's characteristics have been used, and to measure the change of prospective information disclosure in annual reports, vocabulary frequency method has been used. The results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the change in performance and the change in the disclosure of prospective information; In other words, companies with better performance can disclose more forward-looking information. Also, there is a negative and significant relationship between the size of the company and the litigation environment with the change in prospective information disclosure, and there is a positive and significant relationship between the competitive environment, managerial ownership and the type of audit with the change in information disclosure. Based on the results of the research, managers' motivations can affect the company's decisions and performance and cause changes in prospective information disclosure.
Article number: 5
Keywords: Forward-Looking Information Disclosure, Firm’s Performance, Managers' Motivations, Static and Dynamic Approach.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Taftiyan A, Mansuri Mohammad Abadi F, Hassanzadeh Nafouti M. Investigating Managers' Motivations in Changing Forward-Looking Information Disclosure Using Static and Dynamic Models. fa 2024; 16 (61) : 5
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-2632-en.html

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