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:: year 15, Issue 58 (2023) ::
fa 2023, 15(58): 105-91 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Relationship between cash Flow Volatility, Sales Volatility, Operating Cycle and Company Size with Capital Structure and Earnings Persistence
Parvaneh Rigi1 , Mohammad Hossein Setayesh * 1
1- Department of Accounting, Shiraz University, Shiraz Iran.
Abstract:   (1269 Views)
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of cash flow volatility, sales volatility, operating cycle and company size with the capital structure and earnings persistence of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. Based on the purposeful sampling method, 187 companies were selected as a statistical sample, and related data were collected during the years 2016 to 2021. Data analysis is also through multiple linear regression based on panel data. The results showed that the variables of cash flow volatility, sales volatility and company size have a negative and significant relationship with the capital structure. The relationship of the operating cycle with the capital structure was also not confirmed. Also, the results showed that the variable of sales volatility has an inverse and significant relationship with the earnings persistence and the company size has a direct relationship with earnings persistence. However, the relationship of cash flow volatility and operating cycle with earnings persistence. Has not been confirmed.
Article number: 6
Keywords: Earnings Persistence, Capital Structure, Cash Flow Volatility, Sales Volatility, Operating Cycle, Company Size.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Rigi P, Setayesh M H. Investigating the Relationship between cash Flow Volatility, Sales Volatility, Operating Cycle and Company Size with Capital Structure and Earnings Persistence. fa 2023; 15 (58) : 6
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-2681-en.html

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