Accounting earnings and their segments influence decision makers in their decision making process. Information about earnings subcomponents are very important and helps through predicting future earnings. Considering the importance of earning and contents of its subcomponents, Markets Reactions to the pricing of normal and abnormal elements of accrual and cash components of earning in accepted companies in Tehran Stock Exchange were examined. 5 Hypothesis were formed and were tested on 105 Companies during 2002 to 2014. Multiple regression and Simultaneous equation method in panel data and MESHKIN test were used, to examine hypothesis. The results have shown that, market over evaluates the positive changes in normal and abnormal increases in Cash so it will be overpriced, but the abnormal changes in cash are underestimated more than normal changes in cash, so it will not be overpriced. The abnormal accruals are overpriced more than normal accruals and positive abnormal changes in cash.
rahimi dastjerdi M, khodamipour A, bahar moghadam M. The Investigation of pricing characteres of normal and abnormal Elements of accruals and cash components of earnings. fa 2016; 8 (31) :133-161 URL: