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:: year 12, Issue 46 (2020) ::
fa 2020, 12(46): 48-22 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of tax avoidance in the light of the ownership structure with the moderating role of audit quality: Agency theory test
Yasser Rezaei Pitenoei * 1, Mohammad Gholamrezapoor
1- University of Guilan
Abstract:   (4108 Views)
Various factors influence corporate tax avoidance, amongst which ownership structure is of paramount importance. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between family ownership as a kind of ownership structure and corporate tax avoidance with respect to the agency theory as well as the moderating effect of audit quality on this relationship. The research hypotheses are built on a sample of 126 firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2013-2017 and then tested using multivariate regression model based on panel data. The results according to the agency theory show that family ownership is negatively correlated with tax avoidance. To put it differently, the results suggest that family ownership, because of the convergence of interests between managers and owners and less agency issues, reduces corporate tax avoidance. However, no evidence was found on the effect of audit quality on the relationship under investigation. Moreover, the results of sensitivity test indicate that using an alternative proxy to measure tax avoidance incurs no significant effect on the main results of the study, thereby confirming the robustness of the findings.
Keywords: Family Ownership, Tax Avoidance, Audit Quality, Agency Theory.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Rezaei Pitenoei Y, Gholamrezapoor M. Analysis of tax avoidance in the light of the ownership structure with the moderating role of audit quality: Agency theory test. fa 2020; 12 (46) :48-22
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-1862-en.html

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