Corporate risk information offering and disclosing related indicators can play a significant role in improving financial reporting quality and affect investor and capital market decisions.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure the score of corporate risk reporting indicators, determine the status of risk reporting in Iran and its value relevance using the special returns of stock of firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange.Accordingly, at the beginning risk reporting indicators were extracted by using theoretical and experimental bases of research and after determining the way of measuring and quantifying them, by content analysis of financial reporting of firms, the score of corporate risk reporting was calculated. finally, the value relationship of risk reporting with stock-specific return was analyzed and tested.The study results indicate that risk reporting in Iran is absent of quantitative and specific information and most reports have stickiness (periodic overlap). According to the research results, the disclosed risks are mostly financial and strategic risks that are related to the external environment of the firm and managers have less reported the risks that arise from their performance and are related to the internal firm environment. Also, the results of the research demonstrate that there is an inverse and significant relationship between risk reporting score and stock-specific return as well firms that have high-risk reporting scores, their stock-specific return is lower. These results can be included in the requirements and guidelines of regulatory agencies sections on companies and improve the level of risk reporting in Iran.
Khotanlou M, Blue G, Babajani J. Investigating the Status of Corporate Risk Reporting in Iran and its Value Relevance with Stock-Specific Return. fa 2021; 13 (50) : 3 URL: