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:: year 16, Issue 62 (2025) ::
fa 2025, 16(62): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Explaining the Impact of Workforce Agility through Financial and Non-Financial Indicators on Company Reputation
Maryam Mousavi1 , Hamidreza Vakilifard * 2, Ghodratolah Taleb Nia2 , Maryam Khalili Araghi2
1- management and economics,science and research branch,islamic azad university, tehran,iran
2- , Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (165 Views)
The present study explains the impact of workforce agility through financial and non-financial indicators on corporate reputation for 105 companies active in the stock exchange during the period 2013 to 2022 and using the discrete Probit regression model. The results of the final effects obtained from the hypothesis test of the first and second models show that the coefficients related to the variables of human capital efficiency in company profitability (β=0.28) and human capital efficiency in equity return (β=0.25) as The impact index of workforce agility through the financial sector has the greatest impact on the reputation of companies in the first model. The coefficients related to the variables of human capital efficiency in research and development expenses (β=0.21 β 4) and human capital efficiency in tangible resources (β = 0.26 β 5 = 0.26) as indicators of the effectiveness of workforce agility through the non-financial sector have the greatest effect on the reputation of companies in the model. They have the second. According to the results of the present research, it can be concluded that companies with high level of human capital are trying to increase the effectiveness of the workforce agility system; reduce their costs and achieve maximum efficiency, so investing in such companies can be useful. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to human capital in order to survive in the current competitive global market, and managers should properly manage human capital. Accountants should take steps to measure and report human capital, and investors should choose companies with efficient and sustainable value creation, and governments should identify and evaluate companies and different sectors of the industry by the value created with the help of human capital. In general, investors and company managers pay attention to stock market reports about companies and related financial information, including information inside and outside financial statements, as well as non-financial performance and agility of the workforce to make company decisions in the field of suggestions.

Keywords: Company Reputation, Financial Indicators, Non-Financial Indicators, Workforce Agility, Discrete Probit Regression.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Mousavi M, Vakilifard H, Taleb Nia G, Khalili Araghi M. Explaining the Impact of Workforce Agility through Financial and Non-Financial Indicators on Company Reputation. fa 2025; 16 (62)
URL: http://qfaj.mobarakeh.iau.ir/article-1-2781-en.html

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